Q. What do you make of us, as a species?
A. You are truly remarkable. No where, in any of the Great Lit, have I seen such bonds between a species.
Q. Surely other cultures have families. Its called the fundamental building block of our society. The whole of our western civillisation is built on that.
A. You misunderstand me. All beings come together and form a family, sometimes its merely for the exchange of bodily fluids. Sometimes its for protection against predators, and sometimes it is a life long commitment to another being. However, you humans, you extend this. Family is really secondary. Its a very strong influence upon you, nature sees to that. But you have an incredible ability to extend yourselves. You form relationship with those outside your family. I'm not talking about that need you have to find a partner, I'm talking about just friendship with no expectation other than that. It is truly amazing. No other species does this. Your ability to love and share with those not related to you is unique, and should be treasured. It goes beyond simply getting on with each other. I have seen the agony of separation. There are tears of regret when one of you moves away. You have a yearning to share with each other the experience of your life, you actually seek out those friends that you like to be with so you can spend time with them. You stand on a cliff top and look out to sea, hoping to catch a glimpse, a whisper of those departed. Even when distance separates you from your friends, you continue to stay in touch, you continue to touch each others lives. You continue to offer love and support to each other. Your lives are so short. Really short, think about your place in the grand scheme of the Great Lit. You are but a sparrows fart in the atmosphere, and you risk so much with your minds, you risk so much with your hearts. You step out of your comfort zone to be with those you love, when the pain and anxiety of change occurs you pull together and are there to help each other. Nature would dictate that you simply move on, yet you harbour regret. That's no to diminish you, but to praise and honour you. You should always keep your friends.
Q . Do you have friends?
A. I do indeed have friends. Across all of time and space, I am amazed to find people that are stunning. I keep to my self, as one does when a llama. I have plenty of friends, but few that I consider to be close, personal friends. I have learned that llama's come into my life, enrich it and then they trot off somewhere else and are soon forgotten. I've also learned that some come into my life, and have a bigger impact than anyone else. For this those llama's have my respect and admiration, for truly they are bright glowing stars in the richness of the fabric of this reality, and I treasure that. I know that no distance, no matter how great, diminishes all that I am and all that my friends are, and all that we are together.(for Leigh)
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